SEOT Hosting: The Hub says I need to allow access to WPMU DEV IP addresses
The Problem:
We use WPMU DEV servers to provide many features for our client websites (i.e. hosting services, image compression, backups, uptime statistics, etc.)
We set up our clients with a FREE Cloudflare account to manage their domain DNS.
Cloudflare has some security measures to prevent bad things from happening to your TPT blog or your SOLOpreneur website.
Sometimes, we need to tell Cloudflare to give access to WPMU DEV servers so that their computers can do their work for us.
The DIY Solution:
If the SEOT Hosting Hub says you need to allow WPMU DEV IP addresses...
- Here is the list of the IP addresses that you need to add to the "allow list" or "whitelist"
- Here are the instructions to add these IP addresses in Cloudflare
If you have installed additional protection on your TPT Blog or SOLOpreneur Website...
- Here are the instructions to add these IP addresses to WordFence